Do You provide THe alcohol?
No, Prosperous Poison operates as a DRY HIRE. In accordance with New York’s state liquor laws, we cannot purchase nor provide the booze.
Don’t worry — we’ll tell you exactly what to buy.
What About Ice?
We do not provide ice. We’ll tell you exactly how much is needed for your specific event, and then supply coolers.
Do You Have a guest minimum?
No! We love bartending small, intimate gatherings just as much as we love blow-out parties.
What Kinds of Mixers Do You Supply?
Sparkling water, tonic water, sodas, ginger beer, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice, and lime juice come standard. We’ll work with you to supply any additional requests.
What SHould I expect on Event Day?
We’ll arrive early to set up, make sure everyone has an incredible time, and be cleaned up and out of your hair within about an hour after your event’s designated end time.
How Do We Iron out the Details?
We offer complimentary phone consultations, and every booking includes a one-on-one Zoom call to discuss the logistics.
Are you INsured?
Yes. We carry both general and liquor liability insurance. COI available upon request.
What Type Of Payments do You Accept?
All major credit cards.